
Happy Diwali to everyone! Wishing you all a prosperous year!

Now let's get into it - what is Diwali? Diwali, also known as the "Festival of Lights" is a five day festival celebrated by Sikhs, Hindus and Jains around the world.

It’s one of the most colourful and significant festivals in Indian culture taking place in family homes and temples of worship. Diwali is a time where traditional foods and sweets are shared among family and friends. Homes are often decorated in colourful lights and candles, followed by an evening display of fireworks.

The festival coincides with the Hindu New Year and normally occurs sometime in late October through early November. For most participants, Diwali is celebrated on day three of the five day event. This years festival took place on Oct. 23 and Canadians of Indian decent celebrated across the country (CBC). 

Design Deck

From the initial thought process, to creating, presenting, and taking on a Kickstarter campaign (which for the record, grew its own set of legs and took off at lightning speed), the Design Deck is now real and tangible! My two decks came in this week and I couldn’t be happier with how this project came to full circle. Ben poured his heart and soul into this project and it really shows. It is amazing where your passion can take you! You can get your own copy of the design deck here, and be sure to check out Ben’s other projects!